After a series of disagreements among the USNA Class of 1999 Board of Directors on some important issues, the Class Officers elected to form an Election Committee to facilitate a special election for new Class Officers. The goal is to ensure a class leadership team that, with the full support of the Class, is able to press ahead with the important business of preparing for our 20th reunion and establishing a set of proposed by-laws to present for Class ratification.
The Election Committee had its first teleconference meeting August 9, 2018, and we have been in frequent contact via phone and email over the course of the last week. Every decision we made as a committee was reached with consensus after incorporating the initial guidance of the Class Officers and professional advice on Class elections provided by USNAAA. We have also looked to answer as many of your questions and concerns as possible upfront so that everyone has confidence in the process and the result.
The Way Ahead
Term: 1 year 2 months (New officers to hold office until January 1, 2020)
The election committee was not given specific guidance on term. It was the consensus amongst the committee that a 14-month term was the best option, with several reasons mentioned during conversation. The committee felt a 14-month term would reset the class officer elections to coincide with reunions, would give a clear focus and timeline for incoming officers to deal with the 2 significant tasks of reunion and class bylaws, would give a clean slate to the class officers then elected during the regular 5-year cycle, and finally, the committee thought a 14-month term could potentially create more interest amongst the class in taking on the role, given the above.
Positions up for Election:
Vice President
Communications Director
East Coast Representative
West Coast Representative
Election Timeline:
Nominations Open: August 26, 2018, noon EST
Nominations Closed: September 7, 2018, 5 pm EST
Voting Opens: September 16, 2018, noon EST
Voting Closed: September 30, 2018, 5 pm EST
Votes Tallied by USNAAA: October 2, 2018; Election committee announces new officers.
If you are considering running to be a Class Officer, we strongly recommend that you come up with a plan to:
- Craft and submit new bylaws to a Class vote
- Ensure we have an awesome 20th reunion
Election Guidelines
In the event a candidate does not receive a majority of votes, the top two candidates will be entered into a run off election. Timeline to be determined by the Special Election Committee, but no more than two weeks after elections results are finalized.
The election will be conducted with the technical support of the USNAAA. As such, we need everyone to ensure they have a profile established with the alumni association at prior to the opening of voting. We are using USNAAA because they have the technical tools we need to ensure a fair election. Also, while we wanted to keep this as simple as possible for everyone, the good news about having to complete extra steps associated with updating your profile is that it will also make it easier for you to get the gouge about the 20th reunion when the time come.
When the voting opens, you will receive an email from the Alumni Association that will give you a link and all the info you need to go to their secure website and record your vote.
While we’re sure there are plenty of ways to make this election a success (and thanks for all of the feedback, by the way), we hope that you’ll support the plan we’ve built by participating in the election and encouraging your old company-mates and roommates to do the same. We truly believe this is what our class needs to overcome recent disagreements and unite on the way ahead. And while it was not the way we want everyone to get reacquainted, we’re glad to have worked together on this and are really glad to see so many folks getting back in touch and looking to make the next 20 years even better than the last 20 for ’99.
Navigamus Honore,
Carrie Murdock, Drew Hill, John Liddle, Meghan Latcovich and Susan Smith
Class of ’99 Election Committee
After a series of disagreements among the USNA Class of 1999 Board of Directors on some important issues, the Class Officers elected to form an Election Committee to facilitate a special election for new Class Officers. The goal is to ensure a class leadership team that, with the full support of the Class, is able to press ahead with the important business of preparing for our 20th reunion and establishing a set of proposed by-laws to present for Class ratification.
The Election Committee had its first teleconference meeting August 9, 2018, and we have been in frequent contact via phone and email over the course of the last week. Every decision we made as a committee was reached with consensus after incorporating the initial guidance of the Class Officers and professional advice on Class elections provided by USNAAA. We have also looked to answer as many of your questions and concerns as possible upfront so that everyone has confidence in the process and the result.
The Way Ahead
Term: 1 year 2 months (New officers to hold office until January 1, 2020)
The election committee was not given specific guidance on term. It was the consensus amongst the committee that a 14-month term was the best option, with several reasons mentioned during conversation. The committee felt a 14-month term would reset the class officer elections to coincide with reunions, would give a clear focus and timeline for incoming officers to deal with the 2 significant tasks of reunion and class bylaws, would give a clean slate to the class officers then elected during the regular 5-year cycle, and finally, the committee thought a 14-month term could potentially create more interest amongst the class in taking on the role, given the above.
Positions up for Election:
Vice President
Communications Director
East Coast Representative
West Coast Representative
Election Timeline:
Nominations Open: August 26, 2018, noon EST
Nominations Closed: September 7, 2018, 5 pm EST
Voting Opens: September 16, 2018, noon EST
Voting Closed: September 30, 2018, 5 pm EST
Votes Tallied by USNAAA: October 2, 2018; Election committee announces new officers.
If you are considering running to be a Class Officer, we strongly recommend that you come up with a plan to:
- Craft and submit new bylaws to a Class vote
- Ensure we have an awesome 20th reunion
Election Guidelines
In the event a candidate does not receive a majority of votes, the top two candidates will be entered into a run off election. Timeline to be determined by the Special Election Committee, but no more than two weeks after elections results are finalized.
The election will be conducted with the technical support of the USNAAA. As such, we need everyone to ensure they have a profile established with the alumni association at prior to the opening of voting. We are using USNAAA because they have the technical tools we need to ensure a fair election. Also, while we wanted to keep this as simple as possible for everyone, the good news about having to complete extra steps associated with updating your profile is that it will also make it easier for you to get the gouge about the 20th reunion when the time come.
When the voting opens, you will receive an email from the Alumni Association that will give you a link and all the info you need to go to their secure website and record your vote.
While we’re sure there are plenty of ways to make this election a success (and thanks for all of the feedback, by the way), we hope that you’ll support the plan we’ve built by participating in the election and encouraging your old company-mates and roommates to do the same. We truly believe this is what our class needs to overcome recent disagreements and unite on the way ahead. And while it was not the way we want everyone to get reacquainted, we’re glad to have worked together on this and are really glad to see so many folks getting back in touch and looking to make the next 20 years even better than the last 20 for ’99.
Navigamus Honore,
Carrie Murdock, Drew Hill, John Liddle, Meghan Latcovich and Susan Smith
Class of ’99 Election Committee
If You Would Like to Run for Office...
Please send an email to the election committee at the class email address: [email protected]. A member of the committee will coordinate follow-on actions with you.
In the interest of transparency and fairness, we request that all candidates for election provide a picture, a bio (200 words or less) and a one paragraph (3-4 sentences at most) answer to each of the following five questions. Your responses will be shared with the class on the election website and at
For all officers:
For each position:
4a. (Presidential Candidates) How will you work with the board and the rest of the class to ensure a successful 2019?
4b. (Vice Presidential Candidates) The by-laws of many USNA classes guide the VP to establish a class plan - what is the vision you’ll put forward to build on momentum from the 20th reunion?
4c. (Secretary Candidates) A Secretary of the Board is typically the person responsible for organizing elections and by-laws. How will you approach these tasks?
4d. (Treasury Candidates) As treasurer, your primary task this year will be to ensure ’99 has a great 20th reunion without bankrupting the board that plans for the 25th reunion. How will you ensure we’re in a good financial position over the long term?
4e. (East/West Coast Reps) Some classes have local or regional reps as voting members of the board; what do see as the role of a regional rep?
4f. (Comms Director) One of our struggles in keeping everyone informed is that folks respond differently to different kinds of media. How will you keep everyone informed?
5. And just for fun, tell us the paint scheme you want to see on Tecumseh for the 20th reunion weekend.
In the interest of transparency and fairness, we request that all candidates for election provide a picture, a bio (200 words or less) and a one paragraph (3-4 sentences at most) answer to each of the following five questions. Your responses will be shared with the class on the election website and at
For all officers:
- Why do you want to run?
- If you are elected, what will be your top priority for the year and how do you hope to accomplish it?
- What are your thoughts on the optimal composition of the board, and the role for local representatives?
For each position:
4a. (Presidential Candidates) How will you work with the board and the rest of the class to ensure a successful 2019?
4b. (Vice Presidential Candidates) The by-laws of many USNA classes guide the VP to establish a class plan - what is the vision you’ll put forward to build on momentum from the 20th reunion?
4c. (Secretary Candidates) A Secretary of the Board is typically the person responsible for organizing elections and by-laws. How will you approach these tasks?
4d. (Treasury Candidates) As treasurer, your primary task this year will be to ensure ’99 has a great 20th reunion without bankrupting the board that plans for the 25th reunion. How will you ensure we’re in a good financial position over the long term?
4e. (East/West Coast Reps) Some classes have local or regional reps as voting members of the board; what do see as the role of a regional rep?
4f. (Comms Director) One of our struggles in keeping everyone informed is that folks respond differently to different kinds of media. How will you keep everyone informed?
5. And just for fun, tell us the paint scheme you want to see on Tecumseh for the 20th reunion weekend.