Class President Candidate
About Jason BirchFellow Classmates,
I am seeking office because I believe in our school, and your actions over the past year have inspired me. I ran for Vice President because I saw not just a classmate in need—but perhaps an entire class that could benefit from a pause and re-focus. My goal was to provide some stability and just help our class get to the reunion. In doing so I received more than expected. I had the privilege to witness firsthand the selfless efforts of both elected and unelected volunteers come to the aid of our class. We witnessed forgiveness, followed by cooperation from classmates that would normally have no reason to work together. We supported creative individual initiative by promoting unique fundraising ideas. All of your efforts culminated in what by most accounts was a successful reunion of fellowship and fun. My role in all of this may have been small, but I will always be proud. You have all built the foundation to develop a true enduring class legacy. The company representatives are in place and will remain energized in the years to come. We have bylaws ready to be voted and adopted by the class. Read them. Vote. Our East/West Coast Representative positions will be initially vacant; if chosen I will seek to fill those positions within a few months, as the previous reps were vital members of the team. As stated last year, my vision is that by September 2021 our network can raise $99K in services or cash for charity, lead or establish a community outreach program in each CONUS fleet concentration area, and support one transitioned or retired classmate for public office (county/local, state, etc.) I believe these goals are attainable and will be a framework from which to keep our momentum. If I am not elected, you can still count on my support and active involvement in our class. The slate is strong and has the right mix of continuity and fresh volunteers, so we will be in good hands. If you do choose for my leadership, I commit to serve my duty with character and enthusiasm. With respect, JB |